TSLD and TRLD Series - Tracking Synchro to DC and Tracking Resolver to DC Converter Industry Standard Module Size, Isolated Reference and Signal input Options
- Infinite Resolution
- Limited Angle Units require no reference
- Insensitive to input amplitude variations
- Accepts bi-directional input data
- Hi accuracy
- Multiplexed units available
- Synchro & Reference Inputs Transformer Isolated
- No adjustments required
- Output short circuit protected
The TSLD/ TRLD Converters use an internal, solid state type II servo loop to actually track the rotary shaft input, continuously converting it to a precise (real time) linear DC voltage (or 4-20 ma. current) corresponding directly to the input shaft position.
The internal type II servo-loop provides both of the benefits of a dynamic lag free response (higher speeds) with a crisp and ultra-stable output approaching, or at zero speed input.
Because the converter naturally maintains a maximum 5 millivolt ripple (on the DC output); filtering is neither employed or required, providing continuous clean and jitter-free output suitable for use in many variable speed applications.
The ratiometric conversion allows the synchro/ resolver sensor to operate over -20 to +125 degrees C temperatures with no degradation of output.
These converters have an anti-deadband feature that prevents any true discontinuity of the output over zero crossings. A minimum of .012% (typical) hysterisis is applied to the decoders internal servo loop; to insure a jitter-free response and finite definition of both 0 and 359.9 angles.
A linear DC velocity output is available for speed regulation, and high accuracy linear DC velocity outputs are optioned for use as tachometer feedback and/or speed synchronizing applications.
A simple two-wire terminal change distinguishes clockwise verse counter clockwise rotation for an increasing output S1 with S3.