IB Series: ISA Bus Synchro - Resolver - LVDT I/O Cards
- Synchro, Resolver & LVDT Converters
- Mix / Match 8in. verses 4 out. sets / cards
- 100% Transformer Isolated I/O Options
- Cards with Resident Test Ability
- Proven Standard "Whole" Converters
- Reliable Register Based "LSI" Logic
- Incremental Encoder Output Options
- On Board AC Reference Supplies
- True 16 Bit Word Level Interface
- No External Supplies Required
- Software Soucre Code & Demo Pack
The “IB Series” product line are full size IBM™ PC/AT+ and ISA 2.01 compatible synchro, resolver, and LVDT I/O cards, and resolver-sensor card sets used as absolute encoder systems.
These cards are ideally suited for both industrial and military concerns using any ISA bus compatible computer for simulation, ATE, "Absolute" position sensing and motion control, coordinates & process control, navigation, GPS, data acquisition, radar, ships speed indicators, antenna & targetting applications.
The IB and IBD (High Density) Series converters provide up to 4 and 8 channels of Isolated Synchro/ Resolver LVDT/RVDT or absolute encoder interface on a single, standard full size IBM™ PC printed circuit card. Computer Conversions' full line of standard, proven "whole" Synchro/ Resolver input and output type converters, CT's and CDX's etc... are used to populate the same standard ISA compliant CCA's.
Differing converters may be mixed to minimize real estate of any type. Both industrial and military grade (extended) temperature range versions are available.
100% Transformer Isolation is offered for all AC I/O, and various Isolated DC converters are available as standard product, eliminating concerns for ground-loops, ground interjected (intermittent and ghostly) field noise, inductive surges, differing potentials, and high voltage field transients from effecting the card itself, the sensitive ISA bus backplane and any other device or system sharing these signals .
Maximum versatility has been employed on all "IB" products to assure the universal compatibility in addressing, timing, system, and specific computer hardware, software, and backplane independence. All "IB" cards are configured with a full 16 bit range of jumper-plug selectable mode of I/O addressing. The interface is a solidly-reliable / high-speed, true 16 bit "Word-Level" register access. Simply address the I/O; and read or write the data.
Buffered latches are provided on all data lines to assure stable read and write cycles as commanded by the host. Address and control lines feature single point terminations to minimize any loading of the backplane.
Status registers are provided for various levels of fault indication, Built-in-Test (where applicable), and configuration criteria.
Demonstration Software w/source & 'C' code fragments that may be used as drivers, are provided in various and generic C, assembly, and (examples in) Basic programming languages. In addition, a C written Demonstration program (with source code) is provide for Out-Of-The-Box testing, scaling, and offsetting; without any user programming required.
All cards may be user configured completely Bus-Powered, with no external power supplies required. Power source jumpers are provided to select the +12VDC power source as "Bus-Powered" or as external inputs via the I/O connector port.
The use of "proven whole converter" modules assures the user of guaranteed system accuracy and dynamics ability, long term conversion integrity and stability.
All wiring is made through standard 36 or 50 pin "D" (IB verses IBD Series) style connectors.
Isolated D-A/ A-D Converters, Digital Modulators, Demodulators, AC Reference Supplies, & related function converters may used with these cards. The availability of synchro/resolver I/O on the ISA bus, allows the user to configure his systems with resident test ability, switched manual or automatic self test, and simulation type programs.
The IBR series are 1-4 channel continuously tracking synchro or resolver to IBM PC/ATTM card converters, employing type 2 ratiometric tracking converters for high performance applications.
They will accept any group of upto 4 individual, or 2 sets of paired multispeed; 3-wire Synchro, or 4-wire Resolver inputs, or 2-4 wire LVDT/RVDT inputs; over a frequency range of 50Hz. to 10KHZ., and convert them into 10-16 bit words of natural binary data.
Data is addressable in a single word 16 bit format over the IBM PC/ATTM backplane. Data made available to the bus is continuously updated (tracking) without interruption; output data is accurate, monotonic, and always fresh up to the maximum tracking rate of the converter.
When the address is applied, and normal bus variables are set; the converters data bits are latched simultaneously into separate buffered registers to prevent false reads.
A Forced Self-test feature is optioned "-WS" that allows on program command an internal disconnect of inputs to read a 30o fixed analog test. A continuous Built-In Test (BIT)output representing the tracking mode, Loss of signals, Loss of Reference, for status report are provided for each input channel.
No external transformers, modules or signal conditioners are required. The synchro/resolver converters used feature internal solid-state or transformer Isolated Scott T’s that accept direct field voltage inputs.
Transformer isolated units are completely isolated from each other and the backplane for all the reference and signal lines.
This completely isolates the card and effectively the whole computer from all field wiring, and especially from any other device sharing these signals: eliminating concerns over; troublesome ground loops, ground induced noise, differing potentials, ground interjected spikes, and ghostly filed noise that so frequently takes down entire systems.
Bus Powered
No external supplies required ! All units are available as completely bus powered via the PC/AT backplane or as external inputs for the +12VDC supplies. Power required is +12 and +5VDC, and the source is for the +/- 12VDC is strap selectable for power sourcing via the ISA backplane or asexternal power via the I/O connector.
Units not having the "12" option use external +15VDC, & no +/-12 is req'd. Options currently available include: DC velocity outputs, internal reference supplies, quadrature pulse train outputs, high reliability and mil-grade extended temperature range units. Units with on-board DC-to-DC converters also available.
Additionally, PC/AT cards can be configured to meet particular OEM requirements. Many perspective custom applications can be configured with 100% standard product.
The IBW Series are complete IBMPC/ AT ™ to Synchro and Resolver output converters used for self-test, simulation, and control in military and industrial applications.
The PC card is populated by 1-4 IndustryStandard” Digital to Synchro and/or Digital to Resolver Converters, CT's or CDX's mixed as specified for the application.
16 Bit word level double buffered inputs are provided on each channel and addressable via independent or successive addresses.
The true 16 Bit architecture allows the converters to be written to as single word writes, without any fear of low-byte/high-byte ambiguities.
All of these converters feature virtually indestructible short-circuit proof outputs, overvoltage and transient protection, internal solid-plate heat sinks, and automatic thermal cutoff.
Complete transformer isolation is provided on all reference inputs and signal outputs to: eliminate ground loops, differing potentials, and to keep any high voltage transients from affecting the PC backplane.
Both low cost “DSL/DRL Series” and reference powered “DSP Series” converters are offered to drive on-board loads of up to 4.5VA and external “booster amplifiers” are available to drive loads up to 150VA.
The DSL/DRL series are low cost models that are powered from either +15VDC or optionally +12VDC supplies. The DC supply source may be field selected as sourced by an external input or Bus Powered from the PC/AT backplane. The power supplies should be verified as capable of providing the required current.
Standard +12VDC units drive 1.2VA loads, and standard +15VDC units drive 1.5VA loads. Higher drive models are available. Frequencies of 400Hz. and higher require no external components, and two different types of output transformers are offered for 50-60Hz. units.
The units occupy one full size with a singlewidth slot.
Absolute value, vector units "active" Differentials, Dynamic Rotators, & 2-10KHz. models, are available as standards for motor control apparatus andrealtime simulators.
DSP series 60Hz. units don't require any external transformers, and drive all 50, 60 & 400 Hz. loads.
Standard +12VDC units drive 1.2VA loads, and standard +15VDC units drive 1.5VA loads. Higher drive models are available. Frequencies of 400Hz. and higher require no external components, and two different types of output transformers are offered for 50-60Hz. units.
The units occupy one full size with a singlewidth slot.
Absolute value, vector units "active" Differentials, Dynamic Rotators, & 2-10KHz. models, are available as standards for motor control apparatus and realtime simulators.
DSP series 60Hz. units don't require any external transformers, and drive all 50, 60 & 400 Hz. loads.
The DSP series derives the output power from the reference (RH, RL) input and requires no +15 or +12VDC supplies. This series features a very efficient, internal pulsating power supply that converts the reference input into a high-power, angle-weighted, synchro output format.
400Hz. DSP units drive up to a full 4.5VA load, and 60Hz. units drive a full 1.5VA load direct without requiring external output transformers. The DSP units occupy one full size doublewidth slot (DSP modules are .8"H).
By looking at the model selection guide you will notice the IBB Series models, allow the choice of both Read and Write type Converters. The IBB units have all the features, benefits, the same operational characteristics (including software and I/O pinouts of both the IBR and IBW series models, while additionally providing the ability to facilitate any mix or match of all the converters available. Units with Isolated Digital to Analog, or LVDT converters, multispeed conversion, Vector Generators, Control Transformers and Differentials etc...can be configured by requesting "IBB Series Extended Model Selection Guide" from the factory.
Computer Conversions IBD Series are ultra high density Synchro Resolver & LVDT Converter Cards designed specifically for IBM PC/AT and ISA Bus applications where density is of paramount importance.
Up to a full 8 channels of Synchro, Resolver, or LVDT to Digital conversion is provided on a single slot width full size PC compatible Card. Even with this high a density, the IBD cards are offered with a selection of solid-state or on-board Transformer Isolated I/O.
Transformer isolated units are completely isolated from each other and the backplane for each converters set of signal lines, and the reference inputs are transformer isolated separately for each individual or pair of converters; allowing the user to run up to 8 different reference input sources, levels, or frequencies, into the same IBD Converter Card. This completely isolates the card and effectively the whole computer from all field wiring, and any other device sharing these lines; eliminating concerns over troublesome ground loops, differing potentials, ground interjected spikes, and ghostly field noise that so frequently takes down entire systems.
A single 16 bit Status Register is provided having individual converter fault bits for each channel, +12 power loss detection, and converter configuration details. All the S-D/R-D Converters are complete ratiometric, continuously updating tracking converters employing the use of internal type-two solid state servo-loops for high-speed closed loop performance. They are insensitive to amplitude, and frequency variations, providing lag free dynamic response all the way up to their maximum specified tracking rate.
The S-D/R-D Data is continuously updated into holding registers, when addressed; each channels data is automatically latched to prevent false reads, the user simply reads the data on the PC bus.
These High Density cards also permit Digital to Synchro/Resolver, or isolated analog output channels to be mixed or matched with input channels on the same card, for upto 4 out verses 8 input sets per assembly.
All signal input converters are provided with resident Built in Test and Loss of Signal/Reference status indication.
Additionally, any 6 channel card may be populated with a complimentary isolated output converter as a tool for with "Resident-Full-Test-Ability." The added complimentary output channel is used as an invaluable tool for full range/high level testing, signal input simulation, and system/software and field sensor debug.
A -WS option allows 8 channel units a 30o force test mode for added validation of converter functionality.
The D-S/D-R Converters provide a fast 5 microsecond throughput, featuring continuous outputs and(short circuit protected) power amplifiers that will drive loads up to a full 1.2 to 4.5 VA.
Inherent Multispeed Support:
IBD Series Hardware supports both eight channels of independent S-D/R-D conversions or up to four channels of multispeed/ multiturn inputs.
The standard Firmware supports simultaneous two channel store-to-read required to properly interrogate multispeed/multiturn synchro's or resolvers, providing fine-coarse data that is free of "data skew" related alignment problems.
Proven high speed alignment routines are provided in the software pack suitable for virtually any software environment being used. This allows the inputs to be offset-aligned so they are read correctly regardless of the fine/coarse alignment of the field mounted sensors.